Monday, October 15, 2012

Sharing Great Thought.

To all our great fans who cares for Nature & Nation. Check out this great message sent by Pranathi Swamy. Its gives out a prefect idea why not to look at other’s but can start the change within yourself first : 
A great man was lying on his
 death bed sharing the wisdom of his life with those around him.
He said, "When I set out in life I wanted to change the world, but I soon learned the world would have none of it. So I decided I would change only my country, but I soon learned my country would have none of it. So I decided to change only my town, but I soon learned my town would have none of it. So I decided to change only my family, but I soon learned my family would have none of it.
Now as I lay on my death bed I realize the only world I could change was my own. And who knows, if I had changed my own world, it might have provided an example, and I might have changed my family. And if my family had changed perhaps my town would have changed. And if my town had changed perhaps my country would have changed. And if my country had changed, who knows, perhaps the world would changed.”
Thank you Pranathi Swamy for sharing such a great thought.

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