Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Song: Growing Up Isn’t Easy © - Henrietta Decruz

As it is said appreciation is a wonderful thing. It makes what is excellent in others belong to us as well. So let’s all appreciate the wonderful words written and composed by Henrietta Decruz and see if we can also feel them in our lives a
nd try to Save the trees, Save the forest & Save the humanity!!!
Song: Growing Up Isn’t Easy © - Henrietta Decruz

Note: Yes, I have imagined the extremes. That is because most of the times we miss the alarm and sleep right through until it is very late. I hope this will wake people up once and for all!
Intro: When I was a little girl, my teacher said to me…. “Look all around at creation…..”

Growing has not been so easy
Growing up hasn’t been easy at all
What with all the trees that have had to fall
Growing hasn’t been easy at all!

Who knows I’ll wake up someday to find
That there is no more firewood to burn
Some morning when I walk up to the kitchen
No more milk, no butter, no more eggs to eat!

Modified Chorus:
Growing up will not be so easy ] - 2
Growing up isn’t easy at all ]
What with all the trees that have had to fall
Growing up isn’t easy at all!

I dread the day the world will be just cities
When there’ll be no more nature for my eyes
Unfortunately if I need some fresh air
I may desperately have to go to zoos!

Modified Chorus:
Growing up will never be so easy ] – 2
Growing up is the hardest thing of all! ]
What with all the trees that have had to fall
Growing up is the hardest thing of all!

My heart is filled with sorrow when I think
One day there’ll be museums for trees
My grandchildren may someday have to learn
Through computers the names of extinct birds….

*Oh I hate to contemplate
This is reality and fate
Someday we’ll no longer be human beings!!!
When you let them cut those trees
You are letting the axe to seize
Your own future and the future of this earth!!!

Oh! How I plead….
Save the trees ]
Save the forest ] - repeat and fade…
Save the humanity!!! ]

- Henrietta Decruz                                                     

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