Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Summer Camp (5th day)

26th May 2014
Mata Leelawanti Saraswati Vidya Mandir,
Hari Nagar, New Delhi.

Most of the camping hour was spent on drawing where students were making a huge tree on a sheet of cloth which will be used for Palm painting on the 28th of May. Students were having fun drawing up the tree and playing with colours in the hot summer. They also brought some drawings from home showing their take on the 3R's. Slogans on waste management or environmental issues were also given by the students.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Summer Camp (4th day)

23rd May 2014
Mata Leelawanti Saraswati Vidya Mandir,
Hari Nagar, New Delhi.

The 4th day of our summer camp was spent by introducing new ways of planting tree seedlings to the students, reusing plastic bottle for a clean and sustainable living. A short video made by our volunteers were shown to the students regarding waste/ garbage management. A time was also given on cleaning up the school campus with loads of fun pictures being taken.

Summer Camp (3rd day)

22nd May 2014
Mata Leelawanti Saraswati Vidya Mandir,
Hari Nagar, New Delhi.

On this day, students were given education and information using video which is on ‘segregation of waste’. They were shown and taught how other countries dispose of their waste and on how the recycling process takes place. A short video was also made by some students on their take about garbage and what should be done by individuals in the society.

Friday, May 23, 2014

SUMMER CAMP (2nd day)

21st May 2014
Summer Camp (2nd day),
Mata Leelawanti Saraswati Vidya Mandir,
Hari Nagar, New Delhi.

Due to the hot weather, the students were told to adopt a plant or a tree in their neighborhood this summer. So we had a small lecture on our topic in the classroom and an outdoor activity was organized where the students had the chance to water the plants and trees surrounding the school. This was most enjoyed by the students and made them understand the needs and importance of the trees. Students were also given a homework which was to write a slogan relating to environment.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


20th May 2014
Summer Camp,
Mata Leelawanti Saraswati Vidya Mandir,
Hari Nagar, New Delhi.

On the first day of our Summer Camp, we made a quick introduction about 'segregation of waste' and on the 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle). Students from different schools have joined the camp which is an added bonus for us. The kids interacted positively towards the subject and are interested in other activities that will come along. A small homework was given which is to draw a garbage bin/ dustbin of 3 different colors (blue, red and green). The color symbolizes the different waste materials to be thrown, example: blue for paper, red for plastic and green for food waste.