Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween

Wishing you a all

Creates Trust
We Care for Earth

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Protection Drive for the Green.

Second day of Protection Drive for the Green.

On this day our volunteer's used bamboo sticks to give support to the new plantation Creates Trust did just a week ago. It was a great experience working with these young students.
We appreciate them for all there great efforts and there time for a Green cause.

First day of the Protection Drive for the Green.

As we are in the next face of our Green Drive which is called Protection Drive for the Green.
In this face we have put some tree guards around the trees for protection from animals and to get some support too.

We Care for Earth  “Creates Trust”
Join us at  to support Green & Create Awareness to be Green.

On Facebook   We Care for Earth“Creates Trust”

On Google+  We Care for Earth “Creates Trust”

On Twitter  Creates Trust

On Youtube Creates CT

Or send us mail us at

Connecting People to GREEN
CT team.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Protection Drive for the Green.

As we are in the next face of our Green Drive which is called Protection Drive for the Green.
In this face we have put some tree guards around the trees for protection from animals and to get some support too.

We Care for Earth  “Creates Trust”
Join us at  to support Green & Create Awareness to be Green.

On Facebook   We Care for Earth“Creates Trust”

On Google+  We Care for Earth “Creates Trust”

On Twitter  Creates Trust

On Youtube Creates CT

Or send us mail us at

Connecting People to GREEN
CT team.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Happy Dusshera.

Wishing you all a very
Happy Dusshera.

Connect your family to festival not to pollution.
Say no to crackers.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Green Living.. Better Living.

It is horrifying that we have to fight our own habits to save the environment. 
Green Living..
Better Living.

We Care for Earth  “Creates Trust”
Join us at  to support Green & Create Awareness to be Green.

On Facebook   We Care for Earth“Creates Trust”

On Google+  We Care for Earth “Creates Trust”

On Twitter  Creates Trust

On Youtube Creates CT

Or send us mail us at

Connecting People to GREEN
CT team.

Monday, October 22, 2012

The Green Drive.

Fourth Day of the Green Drive.

All the plantation was done on time and also watering was done too to all the plants. In some plants bamboo sticks are were used to give support and protection. In the next face we will try to get some tree g
uards for more and better protection for the plants.

Third Day of the Green Drive.

Almost 450++ plants were planted in the day and some basic things were also done to protect them.
One more day before all these will be planted and hope all the people living near by will support them to grow and help the Environment and there park to look Green and Beautiful.

Second Day of the Green Drive.

Planted more than 150 plants throughout the park. Even watered all of them before the end of the day.

First Day Received and planted few plants.
A Green Drive for B-1 Block Park, Janak Puri, New Delhi.
Received 500++ plants with the help of

Shri. Sukh Dev Singh
IFS, Chief Exc Officer,
Delhi Parks & Garden Society

Sh. Surjeet Singh Duggal
Sh. Peepal Baba
Sh. Rishab Mahajan

Thanks to DDA Officials also to support a Green Drive by Creates Trust.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Green Drive

Third Day of the Green Drive.

Almost 450++ plants were planted in the day and some basic things were also done to protect them.
One more day before all these will be planted and hope all the people living near by will support them to grow and help the Environment and there park to look Green and Beautiful. 

Second Day of the Green Drive.

Planted more than 150 plants throughout the park. Even watered all of them before the end of the day. 

First Day Received and planted few plants. 
A Green Drive for B-1 Block Park, Janak Puri, New Delhi.
Received 500++ plants with the help of 

Shri. Sukh Dev Singh
IFS, Chief Exc Officer,
Delhi Parks & Garden Society

Sh. Surjeet Singh Duggal
Sh. Peepal Baba
Sh. Rishab Mahajan

Thanks to DDA Officials also to support a Green Drive by Creates Trust.

We Care for Earth  “Creates Trust”
Join us at  to support Green & Create Awareness to be Green.

On Facebook   We Care for Earth“Creates Trust”

On Google+  We Care for Earth “Creates Trust”

On Twitter  Creates Trust

On Youtube Creates CT

Or send us mail us at

Connecting People to GREEN
CT team.

Make the right choice

and support GREEN.

Some day the earth will, she will beg for her life, she will cry with tears of our blood. We have to make a choice, help her or let her die, But when she dies, We will die too.
So Keep our Earth alive...

We Care for Earth  “Creates Trust”
Join us at  to support Green & Create Awareness to be Green.

On Facebook   We Care for Earth“Creates Trust”

On Google+  We Care for Earth “Creates Trust”

On Twitter  Creates Trust

On Youtube Creates CT

Or send us mail us at

Connecting People to GREEN
CT team.

A Green Drive.

Second Day of the Green Drive.

Planted more than 150 plants throughout the park. Even watered all of them before the end of the day. 

First Day Received and planted few plants. 
A Green Drive for B-1 Block Park, Janak Puri, New Delhi.
Received 500++ plants with the help of 

Shri. Sukh Dev Singh
IFS, Chief Exc Officer,
Delhi Parks & Garden Society

Sh. Surjeet Singh Duggal
Sh. Peepal Baba
Sh. Rishab Mahajan

Thanks to DDA Officials also to support a Green Drive by Creates Trust.

We Care for Earth  “Creates Trust”
Join us at  to support Green & Create Awareness to be Green.

On Facebook   We Care for Earth“Creates Trust”

On Google+  We Care for Earth “Creates Trust”

On Twitter  Creates Trust

On Youtube Creates CT

Or send us mail us at

Connecting People to GREEN
CT team.

A Green Drive

A Green Drive for B-1 Block Park, Janak Puri, New Delhi.
Received 500++ plants with the help of 

Shri. Sukh Dev Singh
IFS, Chief Exc Officer,
Delhi Parks & Garden Society

Sh. Surjeet Singh Duggal
Sh. Peepal Baba
Sh. Rishab Mahajan

Thanks to DDA Officials also to support a Green Drive by Creates Trust. 

We Care for Earth  “Creates Trust”
Join us at  to support Green & Create Awareness to be Green.

On Facebook   We Care for Earth“Creates Trust”

On Google+  We Care for Earth “Creates Trust”

On Twitter  Creates Trust

On Youtube Creates CT

Or send us mail us at

Connecting People to GREEN
CT team.

World Food Day...

16 Oct 2012.
Nearly one in six people do not get enough food to be healthy and lead an active life. 
Save to Share. Do UR part to let every human eat his/her share of FOOD.

International Day of Rural Women.

"Empowering rural women is crucial for ending hunger and poverty.
Rural women play a critical role in the rural economies of both developed and developing countries. In most parts of the developing world they participate in crop production and livestock care, provide food, water and fuel for their families, and engage in off-farm activities to diversify their families’ livelihoods. In addition, they carry out vital functions in caring for children, older persons and the sick.
The first International Day of Rural Women was observed on 15 October 2008. This new international day, established by the General Assembly in its resolution 62/136 of 18 December 2007, recognizes “the critical role and contribution of rural women, including indigenous women, in enhancing agricultural and rural development, improving food security and eradicating rural poverty.”

World Ozone Day. 16 Sept 2012

Adopt or plant a Tree on this World Ozone Day and Protect Ozone layer.
Save life on Earth.

Let's Go Green to get Our Globe clean.

Adopt or Plant a Tree.

The only home have, Earth.

Save the only PLANET..
we have to LIVE on.

Adopt or plant a tree.

Adopt or plant a tree.
Make Earth Greener.

Save Water.. Save Earth.

Water is something that is going to get expensive day by day.

Be a Volunteer for Green Earth on 5th August 12

(7:30 am onward) 
Come to experience & witness about the Creates Trust's commitment to make this earth green by attending the awareness & tree planting campaign.

Share the post to care for Green.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Invitation for a tree Planting Campaign.

Come to experience & witness about the Creates Trust's commitment to make this earth green by attending the awareness & tree planting campaign.


71 of 84 reservoirs in INDIA report
Water level of 40%or less.

Today’s rainwater is tomorrow's life


Make every drop count.

Save Water.. 
Save Earth.

Make Time

For a Green cause

Plant trees & spread awareness for making earth 
a greener planet.

Change for better future.

Think Green
Plant a TREE this monsoon.

Green revolution the best solution to arrest pollution.

Plant a Tree

Green revolution the best solution to arrest pollution 
Plant a tree, green the earth, clean the air, live happily.

MONSOON is here.

Keep MONSOON disease free.

The skies have showered relief but rains are also a breeding 
ground for infections.

Today's rainwater is tomorrow's life saver.

Save Water. 
Save Life.

The Only Planet..

SAVE the only PLANET we have to live on... 

Support GREEN...

There is no life without Trees.

Adopt or plant a Tree
save Trees.. 
save Earth.

HELP !!!!!!

Stop Global Warming.
Support GREEN.

TREES are the Lungs of the EARTH

Adopt a Plant or tree.
Save Earth.

Mother Earth need..

.. Water to Grow


Save ME.. i am Drying.

The only way to do this is
Support Green.. 
Save Water..
Adopt or plant a tree.

Is it, next war will be for WATER.

No Water
No Life

Stop wasting of Water...Use it Wisely
Otherwise FUTURE will be WATER WARS.

Plant Trees to..

Make Earth Greener.

DRUGS: You use.. You lose.

26th June
International Day against Drug abuse and illicit trafficking 
now and always..

Taking Care of Earth.

Go Green
Save Trees
Take Care of the Earth....