Friday, December 13, 2013

6th, December, 2013. Mata Leelawanti Saraswati Vidya Mandir, Hari Nagar. "Reuse, Reduce and Recycle".

5 December is International Volunteer Day and as well as saying a huge thank you to everyone involved with Creates Trust.

Awareness campaign on 29th, November, 2013 at Mata Leelawanti Saraswati Vidhya Mandir School, Hari nagar on "Reduse, Reuse and Recycle".

Award ceremony in DR.S.R.S.Mission Public School on 16th November 2013

Creates trust is working on “Reduce the Ashes” since 4 years which emphasize on segregation of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste.

"Creates Trust" in association with St. Francis de Sales School celebrated "Van Mahotsav" (Tree Plantation Day) on 29th, Oct, 2013.

Dr.S.R.S Mission Public School

An awareness camp was organised by ‘Creates Trust’ in Green Shivalik School, Chandigarh on Friday i.e. 27th September 2013.

OZONE LAYER DAY 16th Sept 2013 “Protect ozone layer” Save life on Earth.

Awareness Campaign ( "Reduce the Ashes" ) Leisure Valley, Chandigarh 15th September 2013

On 14th of September "Creates Trust" celebrated "Ozone Day" at Akshara theatre C.P) from 7:00 pm onwards in acted by "Bela theatre".

Happy Independence Day To All. We are celebrating 66 years of freedom, now let us be free from the pollution and health hazards caused by our garbage issues.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

"Reduce the Ashes" Supporters

Talking to some supporters of our Campaign. See what they have to say!

You can be part of our campaign too. Join us at

We hold the power "Reduce the Ashes"

Trying to dispose off what has served its' purpose is one thing, but allowing something still absolutely viable to wither away, especially when it can be prevented, is unforgivable. Let's not start next week, tomorrow, or in an hour. Start NOW. The ability to make a positive difference lies in us.

Join our campaign at

This is in Vikaspuri, New Delhi.

No second option "Reduce the Ashes"

Not only are the dead leaves being burnt, the living trees are affected too. This fire has been set very carelessly allowing it to just run loose burning everything in its' path. Can we really afford to be so lackadaisical with our environment? We only have 1 planet to live on. There is no Planet B.

Join our campaign at

This is in Chanakyapuri, New Delhi.

"Reduce the Ashes" Where there is a WILL, there is a way.

There are people who are so bothered by this menace so much that they are making some efforts to fix the problem. It affects all of us, we all can see it, now let us come forward and be part of the solution. The efforts of one person alone cannot move mountains of garbage, but together we can.

Join our campaign at

This is near Police Lines in Vikaspuri, New Delhi.

Are not parks sacred? "Reduce the Ashes"

This time we're seeing this practice being carried out in a park, of all places, where smoke, fire and pollution should be non existent. Despite scorching temperatures this is still continuing and this is in no way helping the situation.

This is a serious issue and needs to be dealt with immediately and efficiently. Support this cause and join our campaign at

This is in Vikaspuri, New Delhi.

"Reduce the Ashes" When the garbage burns

Let us not sit quiet when we see lines of burning garbage which is miles long. We can do something to set this right.
Join our campaign at

This is in Vikaspuri, New Delhi.

When green turns to fire "Reduce the Ashes"

This is happening if one of the greenest areas in Delhi and if it can happen here, it can happen anywhere. There are better uses for leaves and organic matter which can be composted and made into manure. This goes back to the soil and is a clean, natural and simple way to help preserve our environment.

Join our campaign at

This is in Rajputana Rifle Centre, Delhi Cantt, New Delhi.

"Reduce the Ashes" It starts with us.

The authorities cleared away some of the garbage from this site which was burning continuously for many days. It is looking a little cleaner, but hopefully this can increase. It starts with us, as citizens and residents, not to throw waste and garbage everywhere and create a mess all around.

Join our campaign at

This is in Vikaspuri, New Delhi.

Let the fire burn within, not on the outside. "Reduce the Ashes'

When plastics and synthetic materials burn, they cause pollution all around - in the air, in the soil and this even reaches the ground water table which eventually comes in our homes. We need to fight this together to conserve and preserve our environment.

Join our campaign at

This is in Vikaspuri, New Delhi.

And the fire still burns... "Reduce the Ashes"

A follow up of the fire first noticed on 21st April. 8 days later it is still burning. Despite efforts from the authorities, there hasn't been much action on the ground.

Join our campaign at

This is in Vikaspuri, New Delhi.

"Reduce the Ashes" A small victory (pt. II)

Continuation of the efforts to remove garbage from the place where it was burning continuously for 9 days.

Join our campaign at

This is in Vikaspuri, New Delhi.

"Reduce the Ashes" A small victory!

The authorities finally doused the flames and collected the garbage to be taken away, after 9 days of continuous burning. This will be a huge respite for the residents of this area. It just takes awareness and the will to do something about this.

You can be part the efforts too! Join our campaign at

This is in Vikaspuri, New Delhi.

Breathe easy. "Reduce the Ashes"

It has become routine to breathe in toxic fumes from garbage burning. This slowly and gradually lead to major respiratory problems like asthma and sinusitis. People only realize and take action once it's too late. Let's not be those people.

Let's do something NOW. Join our campaign at

This is in C Block, Janakpuri, New Delhi.

Even malls aren't spared. "Reduce the Ashes"

You would think that garbage fires wouldn't be raging next to posh places like malls, right? Think again.

Let's make a change. Join our campaign on

This is in Subhash Nagar intersection, next to Pacific Mall, New Delhi.

"Reduce the Ashes" everywhere. Don't be a spectator.

First the fire burned inside the stadium, now it's outside. It's like people want these fires to burn at every open space they can find.
Let's put an end to this.
Join our campaign on

This is in Lok Vihar, Vikaspuri

"Reduce the Ashes" before they reduce our health.

Two piles of garbage burning at a short distance from each other in a locality. Can you imagine how much of a disturbance and health problems it is causing to people living in the buildings right next to it? We shouldn't have to wait for health disasters to happen before taking action.

Join our campaign on
This is in Vikaspuri, New Delhi

Easy but deadly for sure. "Reduce the Ashes"

Say NO to Burning of Garbage.
Due to lack of awareness on the topic of not to burn garbage, these sites are very commonly seen in our cities and across the nation. It was not very difficult to get the paper reused and the grass turned into manure which could benefit the Environment rather than creating pollution.
Support us to support the NATION and NATURE.  
This is in Hastal, New Delhi.

Join our Campaign on

"Reduce the Ashes" before we get to drink part of it.

Say NO to Burning of Garbage.
Burning is causing AIR, WATER and SOIL pollution.
This fire shows more harmful effect on our heath. As you can see the fire is burning where the water from the sewage coming out. Now this is only water which will be created and sent back to our homes. To clean up this water, what all more we need to put in it so it can be healthy. More chemicals to clean more chemicals present in the water. This was cloth that was burnt to get disposed off. Don't you think there are better ways to get this used in some other ways.
Stand for the wealth that is getting burnt due to lack of awareness and more over causing health problem for us only.
This is in Vikas Puri, New Delhi.

Join our Campaign on

Project to put an end to burning of Garbage. 'Reduce the Ashes"

Join our Campaign on
A project to put an end on burning of garbage in our cities. This is one of the worst fire I have even seen in a park. This parks belongs to DDA. We do need to make sure this is stopped from happening again and again. We not only are burning our environment but our health too with it.

This is in BB Block, Janak Puri, New Delhi.

On Earth Day 13, fire used to get rid of Garbage on the road.

"Reduce the Ashes" -- Say NO to Burning of Garbage.
This is in B-2 Block, Janak Puri, New Delhi on 22nd April 13 in the afternoon. It is getting hotter day by day but still people are not thinking that this might be helping in the increase of the temperature. Once the roads are cleaned up, this is how the sweepers in these areas try to get of the garbage. Do they know there is law against burning of garbage or is it they take things lightly.
Think and raise your voice to put an end to this source of air pollution. Join our campaign "Reduce the Ashes"

Reduce the Ashes -- On Earth Day, 22nd April 2013

IF you see a fire going on at one place the chances of seeing it again at the same place are very high. The reason behind it is that the person who did it is aware that at this place people are not very much aware of the effects of this. So be aware and Say no to Burning of Garbage.
This is in Vikas Puri and Vikas Nagar,  New Delhi.

On Earth Day, April 22, 2013. Reduce the Ashes.

Happy Earth Day to all but...
It as usual day for most of the people in India as lot of them don't know anything about Earth Day.
Here you can see, how normally the labor would get rid of the garbage at their work place. It is due to lack of awareness in them and the other is they do not have proper means of getting it disposed of.
Say no to Burning of Garbage in our cities.
This is in Vikas Puri, New Delhi.

"Reduce the Ashes" Stop Burning the Garbage in our Cities.

Stand Against Burning of Garbage.
A project to put an end on burning of garbage in our cities. We not only are burning our environment but the wealth too with it. It very common but no one is very much concern, is it they are not bothered or they cannot do anything about this or they are not yet effected by it. We all need to find solution to this cause of pollution. It is not just one Department or company, we all need to change our habits before it too late.

This is in Vikas Puri, New Delhi.

"Reduce the Ashes" Let us put an end to burning of garbage.

Stand Against Burning of Garbage.
A project to put an end on burning of garbage in our cities. We not only are burning our environment but the wealth too with it. It very common but no one is very much concern, is it they are not bothered or they cannot do anything about this or they are not yet effected by it. This is just a normal day for all the people living in India.

This is in MG 1 Flats, Vikas Puri, New Delhi.

"Reduce the Ashes" Open place are very much used to burn the Garbage.

Stand Against Burning of Garbage.
A project to put an end on burning of garbage in our cities. We not only are burning our environment but the wealth too with it. It very common but no one is very much concern, is it they are not bothered or they cannot do anything about this or they are not yet effected by it. We need support of everybody, do join for our own healthier future.

This is in Vikas Puri, New Delhi.

"Reduce the Ashes" Is this the way we should be disposing our garbage .

Stand Against Burning of Garbage.
A project to put an end on burning of garbage in our cities. We not only are burning our environment but the wealth too with it. It very common but no one is very much concern, is it they are not bothered or they cannot do anything about this or they are not yet effected by it. When asked the person working there, who did it the answer as usual. I don't know.

This is in Vikas Puri, New Delhi.

"Reduce the Ashes" Say NO to burning of Garbage in our Cities.

Stand Against Burning of Garbage.
A project to put an end on burning of garbage in our cities. We not only are burning our environment but the wealth too with it. It very common but no one is very much concern, is it they are not bothered or they cannot do anything about this or they are not yet effected by it.

This is in DDA Park in BB Block, Janak Puri, New Delhi.

"Reduce the Ashes" a project for healthy and civil society.

Stand Against Burning of Garbage.
A project to put an end on burning of garbage in our cities. We not only are burning our environment but the wealth too with it. It very common but no one is very much concern, is it they are not bothered or they cannot do anything about this or they are not yet effected by it. Ignorance will not solve the problem, we all need to be part of the solution.

This is in Janak Puri, New Delhi.

"Reduce the Ashes" a project to support healthy future.

Stand Against Burning of Garbage.
A project to put an end on burning of garbage in our cities. We not only are burning our environment but the wealth too with it. Production factory for harmful gases and toxic.

This is in Vikas Puri, New Delhi.

For OUR Project "Reduce the Ashes"

Stand Against Burning of Garbage.
A project to put an end on burning of garbage in our cities. We not only are burning our environment but the wealth too with it. It very common but no one is very much concern, is it they are not bothered or they cannot do anything about this or they are not yet effected by it.
This is in Janak Puri, New Delhi.

For OUR Project "Reduce the Ashes"

Stand Against Burning of Garbage.
A project to put an end on burning of garbage in our cities. We not only are burning our environment but the wealth too with it.
Need action before it haunts us to disaster.

This is in Vikas Puri, New Delhi.

"Reduce the Ashes"

Stand Against Burning of Garbage.
Good morning people, this is how we get up in India.
A project to put an end on burning of garbage in our cities. We not only are burning our environment but the wealth too with it.
This is in Janak Puri, New Delhi.

Earth Day 22nd April 2009

Aditya, Pranav, Akshay and Dhruv are asking you to support them in their fight against global warming. Contribution and efforts are never too small for a good cause. Adopt or Plant more trees to clean the air and Save Water to Support Earth.

Thanks to these young kids for their contribution to help Save Planet Earth.

Bridging the gap between Individualism & Civil Society.
Connecting people to Green.
CT team

For Earth Day 2009

Save Planet Earth. Plant a tree and put a stop to global warming. Help them and join your hands in there efforts to stop global warming. A small effort for a big change by Aditya, Akshay and Dhruv.
Thanks to these young kids for their contribution to help Save Planet Earth.

Bridging the gap between Individualism & Civil Society.
Connecting people to Green.
CT team

To be part of Earth Day 2009

Akshay wants to be part for the special day and plant a tree on the same day to support Planet Earth.

Thanks to these young kids for their contribution to help Save Planet Earth. 

Bridging the gap between Individualism & Civil Society.
Connecting people to Green.
CT team

To be part of Earth Day 2009

Divij wants to be a part for the special day by planting a tree on the same day and also to take good care of it.

Thanks to these young kids for their contribution to help Save Planet Earth.

Bridging the gap between Individualism & Civil Society.
Connecting people to Green.
CT team

To be part of Earth Day 2009

Dhruv wants to be a part for the special day by planting a tree on the same day and also to take good care of it.

Thanks to these young kids for their contribution to help Save Planet Earth.

Bridging the gap between Individualism & Civil Society.
Connecting people to Green.
CT team

Ideas to reduce pollution.

By Aniket

Kids working to reduce climate change, air, noise and water pollution. Help them and join your hands in their efforts to stop global warming.

Bridging the gap between Individualism & Civil Society.
Connecting people to Green.
CT team

Adopt or Plant a Tree Campaign. 9 May 2010

Another day in the effort to create awareness among people to plant or adopt a tree in their community by Dashmesh, Ojasvini, Mihr, Dhruv and Akshay. As we all are facing the effects of global warming, our young CT team has again taken up the initiative to create a awareness camp to support Green. The volunteer have been going out and talking to public and requesting them to either adopt or plant a tree this summer. Support Green to Support Life.
Thanks to these young kids for their contribution to help Save Planet Earth.

Bridging the gap between Individualism & Civil Society.
Connecting people to Green.
CT team

Adopt or Plant a Tree Campaign. 30th April 2010

As we all are facing the effects of global warming, our young CT (Pranav, Raghau and Saharsh) team has again taken up the initiative to create a awareness camp to support Green. The volunteer have been going out and talking to public and requesting them to either adopt or plant a tree this summer. Support Green to Support Life.
Thanks to these young kids for their contribution to help Save Planet Earth. 

Bridging the gap between Individualism & Civil Society.
Connecting people to Green.
CT team

Awareness Camp for coming Earth Day on 21st April 2010.

Creating awareness for the coming Earth Day 2010 .Gr8 work done by Pranav, Raghav and Saharsh at District Centre, Vikas Puri, New Delhi. Must watch people appreciating the young kids for there job well done. If u think u can do it too, please do come forward and Do UR part to save the Dying Planet.

Thanks to these young kids for their contribution to help Save Planet Earth.

Bridging the gap between Individualism & Civil Society.
Connecting people to Green.
CT team

Awareness Camp for coming Earth Day on 20th April 2010.

Creating awareness for the coming Earth Day 2010 .Gr8 work done by Ojasvini, Mihir, Shashank and Deshmesh at District Centre, Vikas Puri, New Delhi. Must watch people appreciating the young kids for there job well done. If u think u can do it too, please do come forward and Do UR part to save the Dying Planet.

Thanks to these young kids for their contribution to help Save Planet Earth.

Bridging the gap between Individualism & Civil Society.
Connecting people to Green.
CT team

Awareness Camp for coming Earth Day on 19th April 2010.

Creating awareness for the coming Earth Day 2010 .Gr8 work done by Ojasvini, Mihir, Shashank and Deshmesh at District Centre, Vikas Puri, New Delhi. Must watch people appreciating the young kids for there job well done. If u think u can do it too, please do come forward and Do UR part to save the Dying Planet.

Thanks to these young kids for their contribution to help Save Planet Earth.

Bridging the gap between Individualism & Civil Society.
Connecting people to Green.
CT team

Awareness Camp for coming Earth Day on 17th April 2010.

Creating awareness for the coming Earth Day 2010 .Gr8 work done by Dhruv, Gravit, Aditya and Akshay at District Centre, Vikas Puri, New Delhi. Must watch people appreciating the young kids for there job well done. If u think u can do it too, please do come forward and Do UR part to save the Dying Planet.

Thanks to these young kids for their contribution to help Save Planet Earth.

Bridging the gap between Individualism & Civil Society.
Connecting people to Green.
CT team

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Cloth Donation Drive

(Giving hope into there lives.)

CT team volunteers taking time out to share happiness.
on 2nd March 2013.

Waste cloths at your home can serve the purpose for some.

We Care for Earth  “Creates Trust”
Join us at to bring Justice for crime against women & civil society and also to support Green & Create Awareness to be Green.

On Facebook   We Care for Earth“Creates Trust”

On Google+  We Care for Earth “Creates Trust”

On Twitter  Creates Trust

On Youtube Creates CT

Or send us mail us at

Bridging the gap between Individualism & Civil Society.
Connecting People to GREEN.
CT team.

Make Your Future Better.

Make Earth Better
Make Your Future Better.

Keep it clean.
Make it green.
We Care for Earth  “Creates Trust”
Join us at to bring Justice for crime against women & civil society and also to support Green & Create Awareness to be Green.

On Facebook   We Care for Earth“Creates Trust”

On Google+  We Care for Earth “Creates Trust”

On Twitter  Creates Trust

On Youtube Creates CT

Or send us mail us at

Bridging the gap between Individualism & Civil Society.
Connecting People to GREEN.
CT team.

If you want life of prosperity..

Plant Trees.


We Care for Earth  “Creates Trust”
Join us at to bring Justice for crime against women & civil society and also to support Green & Create Awareness to be Green.

On Facebook   We Care for Earth“Creates Trust”

On Google+  We Care for Earth “Creates Trust”

On Twitter  Creates Trust

On Youtube Creates CT

Or send us mail us at

Bridging the gap between Individualism & Civil Society.
Connecting People to GREEN.
CT team.


Just think about the below list before you are throwing anything.

Paper Towel – 2-4 weeks
Banana Peel – 3-4 weeks
Paper Bag – 1 month
Newspaper – 1.5 months
Apple Core – 2months
Cardboard – 2months
Cotton glove – 3months
Orange peels – 6months
Plywood – 1-3 years
Wool Sock – 1-5years
Milk Cartons – 5years
Cigarette Butts – 10-12 years
Leather shoes – 25-40 years
Tinned steel can – 50 years 
Foamed plastic cups – 50 years
Rubber- boot-sole – 50-80 years
Plastic containers – 50-80 years
Aluminum Can – 200-500 years
Plastic Bottles – 450 years
Disposable Diapers – 550 years
Monofilament fishing line – 600 years
Plastic Bags – 200-1000 years.


Save Earth
Refuse to use Plastic Bags.

We Care for Earth  “Creates Trust”
Join us at to bring Justice for crime against women & civil society and also to support Green & Create Awareness to be Green.

On Facebook   We Care for Earth“Creates Trust”

On Google+  We Care for Earth “Creates Trust”

On Twitter  Creates Trust

On Youtube Creates CT

Or send us mail us at

Bridging the gap between Individualism & Civil Society.
Connecting People to GREEN.
CT team.

When you refuse to reuse it’s our Earth you abuse.

Recycle today for a better tomorrow.
You can’t change the past but you can change the future, 

always remember to recycle.

We Care for Earth  “Creates Trust”
Join us at to bring Justice for crime against women & civil society and also to support Green & Create Awareness to be Green.

On Facebook   We Care for Earth“Creates Trust”

On Google+  We Care for Earth “Creates Trust”

On Twitter  Creates Trust

On Youtube Creates CT

Or send us mail us at

Bridging the gap between Individualism & Civil Society.
Connecting People to GREEN.
CT team.